Align checklists to statutes

About this recommendation

By aligning licensing checklist items to specific statutes, you can help decision-makers understand the source of these legal requirements. This ensures that decision-makers clearly understand the source of a problem, so they can identify the most effective solution. For example, a landline telephone requirement creates a challenge for many families as most people are now in mobile-only households. By highlighting the statute behind this requirement, a decision-maker can better consider whether it is enough to change the requirement, or if the policy behind the requirement needs to be updated and modernized as well.

How to do this

  • Create or locate a list of all checklist items.
  • Identify the legal requirement for each item.
  • Add the statute number next to each item on the checklist.
  • Consider how you might update items that are challenging to families. Can you update the requirement, or does the policy need to be changed?

Anticipated costs and benefits



  • Staff time
  • Facilitates the modernization of outdated policies
  • Enables more effective decision-making

Outcome data

We are still collecting concrete data.

Who's doing this

1 of 54 states and territories have implemented this recommendation.

Washington State’s statute aligned checklist