Provide safety inspection checklists ahead of time

About this recommendation

Some families do not pass the inspection on the first try because they are missing one or more safety items that they didn’t know they needed to have (like a first aid kit or rope ladder). This can cause delays in the licensing process, as the inspector must go back a second time.

Providing a safety inspection checklist ahead of time will allow families to prepare for specific requirements and thereby prevent delays in the licensing process.

How to do this

Make the safety inspection checklist available in multiple places and at multiple points during the process. For example, you can include the checklist:

  • In an orientation packet
  • Online with other application materials
  • In the appointment reminder (either printed on the back or included as a second page)
  • With a renewal reminder
  • In your online licensing tracker application, if you have one

Anticipated costs and benefits



  • Free
  • Increases the chances that a family will pass the safety inspection on the first visit
  • Saves staff time and resources by decreasing the chance that the inspector will need to return for a second visit
  • Decreases delays in licensing process

Outcome data

We are still collecting concrete data.

Who's doing this

2 of 54 states and territories have implemented this recommendation.