Track critical renewal dates on a calendar

About this recommendation

Current CPR certification, training, pet vaccinations, and other requirements generally need to be renewed in order to renew a foster home license, but these specific renewal dates rarely line up with the overall foster home license renewal date.

Adding critical dates like CPR certification renewals, pet vaccination expirations, and additional training dates to your calendar and sending families quick, timely reminders will help ensure that families are all caught up when it’s time to renew their license.

How to do this

Add critical expiration and renewal dates to your calendar and turn on a reminder notification for 30-60 days ahead of each date. You may also suggest tracking these dates in your child welfare IT system.

Send a reminder to families via email, physical mail, text, or a shared calendar invite. When possible, ask families what their preferred mode of communication is and send a reminder that way.

Anticipated costs and benefits



  • Free
  • Foster families complete renewal requirements on time
  • Increases foster family retention

Who's doing this

1 of 54 states and territories have implemented this recommendation.

  • Clinton County MDHHS, Michigan