License Renewal

About this topic

License renewal can be a time-consuming process for both staff and families, but a successful license renewal process can ensure better retention and increased family satisfaction.

Why this matters

The license renewal process can provide an opportunity for staff to connect with foster families, maintaining family engagement and increasing retention.

What we can do

  • Use electronic tools to increase understanding and engagement. Emailing renewal requirements to families can decrease the chances of important documents going unnoticed in the large amount of mail that families receive from agencies. Additionally, families often have multiple renewal dates pending, for items like CPR recertification or pet vaccines. Using an electronic calendar to track and send reminders for these items helps families to be better prepared at renewal time.
  • Take the opportunity to check-in with families. Use renewal as an opportunity to check-in with families who may be feeling overwhelmed, as well as those who may be interested in increasing their training and taking on more responsibility.